Your Floating Crane Hire Tips

Cranes are indispensable equipment in construction projects. And if you're considering offshore or marine construction, on an island, beach, or next to a water body, you will find a floating crane extremely useful. Like normal cranes, floating cranes make lifting and moving of heavy construction materials on-site easier and more practical. As the name implies, the cranes are designed to float on water. They are usually mobile cranes mounted on 'floats' or barges that enable contractors to work on water-side projects. Like many heavy construction equipment, however, there's no one-type-fits-all when it comes to floating cranes. And given the complexity and costs involved in using such equipment, it's imperative to only get one that works best for your project. That in mind, here are some useful tips to help you in your selection.

Consider the Crane's Load Capacity

All types of cranes have a maximum weight they can support, and this is often referred to as their load capacity. It's crucial to understand the load capacity of the crane you intend to hire or rent because it has significant implications on the safety and complexity of the project. Hiring a crane with a load capacity that is lower than the weight of materials you intend to lift is to risk damaging the equipment or causing crane accidents.

And this tends to be more concerning when working with a floating crane because of challenges like sea forces, the wind, and the weather that can affect the stability as well as motion of the crane. Therefore, with the help of your contractor, make sure you understand the weight of materials you intend to lift before you hire a floating crane.

Getting the load capacity right is also important because of the implications for your rental costs. Generally, floating cranes with a higher load capacity are more powerful and bigger and, therefore, tend to cost a bit more.

Consider Maximum Reach

How high do you need the crane to reach? This will also come in handy in determining the ideal floating crane for your project. Keep in mind that the higher you need to lift your construction materials, the larger the size of crane you need for maximum stability.

Floating cranes can also be fixed at a single point for the duration of the project. These types of cranes are usually recommended where issues such as sea force and winds have been found to pose significant challenges to the stability and motion of the crane. For more information, contact a float hire agency.
