4 Critical Safety Tips When Handling Rigging Equipment

Applying the highest safety standards and measures is imperative when working with heavy construction machines. Regardless of the project, the safety of workers can be compromised if something goes wrong. Generally, this applies to gigantic construction machines, especially those used in rigging projects. Such equipment help lift and move considerably heavy loads that pose a safety risk when not handled professionally. Therefore, consider these vital safety tips to protect workers at the job site when running a rigging project.

Have an Effective Plan

When performing rigging projects, situations at the worksite change considerably. For this reason, it's paramount to assess different conditions on the site before lifting any loads. Determine critical aspects like load capacity, equipment limits, speed and wind direction, etc. When crafting your plan, involve all stakeholders and riggers. That means you should consider planning first before hiring your rigging equipment. Furthermore, effective planning allows you to select the ideal crane that will be ideal for your project's needs.

Understand All Rigging Techniques 

Rigging involves numerous techniques you should familiarise yourself with for a successful project. Aspects like sling and load weight control shouldn't be taken lightly. Ideally, the hitches required for load lifting offer ideal edge protection and proper control to prevent slip and fall accidents when rigging. Additionally, it's advisable to only rig under favourable weather conditions. Avoid working under low light, inclement weather or reflective conditions that impair your judgement. Furthermore, extreme temperatures might negatively impact the shock-loading functionality of your equipment, so it'll be wise to inspect your equipment before using it. 

Don't Use the Rigging Equipment for Storage.

One common mistake riggers make is suspending different loads and leaving them until they resume work. Consequently, this poses safety concerns to unsuspecting workers on the ground. Windy or stormy weather might cause the weight to sway, fall or topple the rigging equipment. 

Additionally, contemporary hydraulic riggers might start leaking when used for storage purposes. As a result, the leakage reduces the equipment's pressure, resulting in the load falling and causing life-threatening injuries to employees or property damage. 

Work with Qualified Rigging Personnel

Lastly, before you begin your rigging project, never allow unqualified operators to handle rigging machinery. That means you must facilitate training for any employee responsible for handling riggers. Training ensures that employees understand the machines inside out, including all safety protocols applicable. Additionally, it prepares them to anticipate any equipment issue before it happens. 

Safety is paramount when handling rigging equipment. Therefore, keep these essential safety tips in mind before proceeding with your project to prevent injuries and property damage. 

For more information on rigging, contact a professional near you.
